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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Laughter is the best Medecin

I got up this morning wanting to do a blog that would be interesting for all my readers. Some of you will probably be new to my blogs ,others are familiar with them. As I mentioned in one of my Facebook sites, this morning my mind went blank. I could not think of anything to blog about that would not be boring. So today I want to talk about laughing, smiling and feeling good about something. So here goes:

What is so important that we need laughter in our lives? We are all the same, we hurt, we cry, we have problems, we are sick, some of us lost jobs, even have relationship problems. Correct? So I believe we all need a break from these things. Who wants to always be sad? Depressed? So it is up to others to help fix this even for five minutes? Five minutes of laughter or smile can make the rest of the day seem a bit brighter for friends ,families ,and strangers. I went to see a cousin of mine last week, she is battling cancer, and she is in the hospital, before I entered her room, I thought to myself, What can I say? What can I say to sort of lift her spirit? I didn’t have a clue but I entered the room, walked right past her, because she had lost her hair and I had not seen her. Anyway I sat on the chair next to her bed and she opened her eyes and saw me. Out of the blue I said to her, Wow now you got it made!. I said you can be a blond, a brunette , and she looked at me and said yes even a redhead and she smiled. Then I told her a story about my late mother in law who had this wig and she would put it on sideways, and my cousin laughed , and do you know that when I left her I felt so good, knowing that I made her laugh. Another feel good thing I have done is start a Stuffed Toy Drive ,it started out that my Mom was in one hospital and my friend in the other hospital. We have two hospitals here, anyway Mom started playing bingo in the rehab center and I would often go with her and my brother and they played bingo and the winner got to pick a prize, and they loved the stuffed toys, so my brother and I started going to the dollar store and bringing in new ones for them. Well when they would win, you should have seen the excitement and how their faces lit up ,some would collect their prizes for their grandchildren when they came to visit.. That gave me an idea, I was going to start a toy drive which I have, I call it George and Flossie’s Stuffed Toy Drive, I have a page on face book. And I have received many stuffed toys and I am now waiting for three more boxes to share with the both hospitals. So all this is sure to bring smiles and laughter to someone. Telling jokes is another way to bring laughter for the ones of you who has never read or heard the joke “Diary of a Snowshoveller” This is a must read, google it and you will certainly laugh, I told it or read it I don’t know how many times and each time I read it even now, I cannot stop laughing. Say something funny in your messages, in Facebook, in your chats even.

Bringing Smiles and Laughter to others is free, there is no charge, but there is a lot of good feelings about doing so. Ok now for my sales pitch haha. Check out both my stores at** On Facebook, I am there as Aline Cormier, and also as Aline I Cormier , on twitters I am there as and . I have a page on Facebook called ALLICOR’S BOUTIQUE (capital letters) I have George and Flossie’s Stuffed Toy Drive on Facebook, if you are into genealogy I have Trails of Our Ancestors group on Facebook, if you are into Old Photos of New Brunswick Canada I have a group on Facebook also. And that is only part of what I have ,grin.

So now that I know I have made you smile at least , it made my day.

Have a great day everyone. Aline aka Allicor aka Zazzyallicor, aka Zazzybooteek, Want more? LOL. Chow for now.

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