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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fishy Stories.

We hear stories of the big one that got away, well I am reading a book title It happened in NB, and I want share a couple of stories with you. In 1936 an article came out in the Evening Time Globe: A sickly looking codfish,pulled from the Atlantic waters yielded this certain merchant a pair of socks neatly folded and just like new. A mister Sparks while reading the article thought to himself, no one would believe this to be true. but he wasn't one of those doubters. For he knew that just last spring , Mister Melanson living a ways from Saint John,had caught a codfish which contained one sock. In the sock was a hard object thought at first to be a man's foot. When they checked it out they found that it was a monkey wrench for which the sock had been used for a container and eventually was dropped overboard from some ship. A Captain from the harbor said  Cod caught before a storm are usually full of stones  that the cod consume as ballast when the undertoe starts kicking up,and as many as seven stones as big as a man's fist have been found in one cod. Mister Melanson also heard the saying of fishermen, that cod are the retrievers of the deep and that if you drop an object big enough for them to swallow overboard like a wrench, a knife or gloves, just to keep on fishing, you will eventually get them back,unless someone else catches him first.
In the 1930 Fundy Fishermen newspaper  a clipping saying A Cod caught carrying Contraband. Swallowing a whole pint of liquor without removing the cork sounds like a Houdini feat but the trick was turned sometime recently by a pompous looking codfish,an inhabitant of the great Atlantic Ocean according to the lighthouse keeper Mister Thibodeaux. Mister Thibodeaux said that the fish was landed by two fishermen and brought to the wharf where  the half pint flask of liquor was removed from the fish's stomach intact. Maybe that codfish carried the liquor with him in case of emergency like seasickness, cod headaches etc.Evidently the paticular fish referred to did not believe in drinking at sea or the cork would have been removed. It has been rumored that the codfish in the Atlantic Ocean have caught on to the rum running racket and that they are carrying liquor to points along the eastern coast. I do hope you have liked these two fish stories which reminds me of the time my two brothers went fishing, my older brother threw his line into the water but as he was casting the line went back and caught my younger brother in the earlobe. He had to go have it removed and they he wrote an essay the title of it was " The biggest fish my brother ever caught".
Now I would like to share some of my latest products you can find them at either*    or*     Enjoy. Chow for now .

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