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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Heros come in all sizes

The true test of courage is to brave the elements, to fight the odds, and to hold on no matter what. This was surely the problems that faced young Ti-Boy Cormier in that memorable day in 1807. It was a mild winter, all things considered. Yet the ponds and river had frozen over. Many villagers where Ti-Boy came from paid little attention to the early thaw or that the ice-covered rivers and ponds were probably

Not safe. When a man fell into the ice that that day ,Ti-Boy was nearby . The man’s friends did not dare to go near the hole. They knew more weight would cause a cave in. While they rushed nearby to get help, Ti-Boy inched his way being very careful towards the drowning freezing man. He grabbed the hand that clawed desperately at the thin edge around the hole, Ti-Boy with no regard for his own safety held on to the man’s hand until help arrived. For this rescue I am sure Ti-Boy would have earned a medal of bravery. What makes this story more unusual is that you see

Ti-Boy was only 6 years old.

I hope you enjoyed this little story and will return for more of my blogs. In the meantime if you have a minute why don’t you stop by my store ,see what I have added lately. I have new Christmas items, genealogy items,tee shirts, even a new calendar and much more at

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